Unimax International is an established environment friendly organization in Aluminium Formwork System serving the construction industry with updated and customized solutions. Unimax with continuous innovations using latest technology and System, highly professional project support team committed to provide Formwork System which is not only of high quality but also enables our client to achieve faster slab cycles at competitive prices.


  • January  – June 2022  

My Role

  •  UX/UI Designer 


Demographic-based targeting was not possible with the existing website.

Unimax International is a PAN India working company proving formwork for new construction sites as a result they have clients and projects in various states of India. Personalization of the content according to the targeted region was not practical with the existing website. Discover holistic approaches to wellness and health. Explore more tips and insights at Embrace a balanced lifestyle for optimal well-being. Enhance your daily routine with medically proven practices. This website was converting at 10.1% (Contact opt-ins).


Designing new landing pages for targeting the selected demographic-based audiences with personalized content and simple form submission.

Adopting the process of designing a landing page was an efficient choice without changing the main website. It is also realigned with the business goal of increasing the conversion of certain demographic audiences.


Ok, but how did I actually get there? 

I focused more on designing an experience that addressed the pain points I found. I transitioned my focus to making the lead generation process simpler and providing valuable information to the visitor at a single glance.



I analyzed the current website using Google Analytics, set up mouse tracking data collection (click data, scroll maps, attention heat maps), and started to record user session videos via Hotjar.

It was very important for me to understand the problem space and user journeys so that I can do smooth ideations for solving the above problem. I then conducted interviews to learn more about the different experiences people have while registering for such exhibitions.

Research Goals

Through my research, I wanted to:

  • Identify Unimax International target market.
  • Identify Unimax International competitors and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses.
  • What were the main motivators, hesitations, and questions when considering a new formwork company?


It is acknowledged that wastage in the construction industry is as high as 30%. That means at the current valuation, we are talking about the wastage to the tune of Rs.1200 billion or $27 billion in India.

The National Planning commission – an apex federal body has estimated an allocation of $515 billion which is equivalent to Rs.23 trillion to infrastructure sectors over the next five yearsan eye-opening statistic from NBM&CW

Sustainable Construction and Green Buildings define the ways in which science, governments and construction professionals collaborate to make less of a negative impact on the environment. Such measures are useful for both builders and customers.


The competition doesn’t have any specific landing page.


During these interviews, I asked open-ended questions to learn as much as I could about their experiences and identify what the user’s needs truly are.

I conducted interviews with 5 people, about 10-15 minutes each.

Some questions asked during the interview:

  • How did you find out about the formwork business?
  • Tell me about how you typically discover new Formwork businesses.
  • What motivates you to try formwork for your business?
  • What factors influence your decision on which Formwork business to trust?
  • Tell me about your most recent experience with the formwork company.



A sense of trust and accountability is the major factors that influence my participant’s decisions.

Based on the trends in my affinity map, I’ve noticed that the major factor that influences the decision is the social proofs and projects the company has completed as using formwork tends to get 40% whole project budget.


4 Priority Revisions in my design

Taking what I learned from user testing, I began to make revisions to my design based on the visible metric enhancement.


First priority revision

Copy that addresses the most common problems formwork head face, using the wording they use (taken from the user interview), will resonate better with the audience.

I crafted a new form with a “Get a free quote” message and “Request a call back“. Copy with points full of benefits to address other stuff that came up in the survey.

Providing social proofs above the fold works to establish trust — Tata Projects, Shapoorji Palonji, Lodha and Assetz are huge, authoritative construction developers.




Results: There was a whooping difference of 19.5% in landing page opt-ins, and there was a 25.7% difference in email conversions—by the original.


Second priority revision

Google Analytics showed us that there was a 10.8% drop-off rate in this section.

The idea behind this change of showing a single project with details compared to the multiple projects was to help boost the landing page interaction and reduce the bounce rate.

So providing the context of the project also enhances the demographic targeting approach. It also provides a subtle solution to the pain points of our users like fast slab cycles, mega project names, and personalized support.



Results: With the single project live image layout and project detail box outperformed the original and resulted in a 40% increase in landing page interaction and time spend by each user.


Third priority revision

Mention of a person’s name with the respective company’s name and logo giving the testimonials provides a sense of credibility to the visitor. 




Result: While there was no difference in landing page opt-ins, there was a significant improvement in bounce rate—by the original. 


Fourth priority revision

Additional form at the bottom with company physical address to tackle the exit rate of the landing page.

Giving the heading “Get a Free Estimate” with a guiding arrow help visitor to submit their query, and they won’t have to go up again to submit their query. I added the address of the company’s office in the targeted demographic area.



Result: This variation with addition bottom form with the office address, resulted in 20.7% more opt-ins and 50% decrease in exit rate.


The final product


What I’d do differently next time.

I explored a new approach for this project by creating a specific landing page for the bottom-of-funnel targeted users. I think this method was effective in quickly identifying initial roadblocks to our user’s goals in the design and making sure that the overall layout of the content itself is effective and functional. When you start testing a page, don’t test just once and move on to testing other parts of the site.

If I were to push this project further, I would:


 Now that I made revisions to my design and added the visual elements, I would like to test and validate more headline changes and observe if any further improvements need to be prioritized.


With a finalized version of the design, I tested it in multiple cities in India and will compare the different data points to gather much deeper insights.


With the timeline of this project, I could only focus on the top prioritized features to meet our project goals. However, I think there’s room to add more value and delight to the experience by implementing other features referenced on the product roadmap.