EV Nepal Expo is an International Electric Vehicle, Components & Ancillary Expo that will provide the opportunity & platform for Electric Vehicle manufacturers to showcase the Latest Products, Technology & Equipment, Smart & Next Gen Transport, Electric Passengers Cars, scooters etc. Meet and network with the trade industry as well as end users with the main aim to find out new business and protection of the environment.


  • August  – September 2022  (8 weeks)

My Role

  •  UX/UI Designer 


The existing website is not converting the traffic into qualifying leads.

EV Nepal Expo 75% of traffic comes from the ads they run to promote their events. But the quality visitors were not registering themselves for the event which qualifies them as a lead. The bounce rates were above 40% which is very high for a B2b website.


Redesigning the current EV NEPAL website to provide visitors with an easy registration process and more meaningful information about the event, exhibitor, and visitor profile.

Adopting the process of redesigning the current website was the efficient choice because the website was relatively new so the chances of SEO loss were minimum. It is also realigned with the business goal of increasing the conversion of website visitors.

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Ok, but how did I actually get there? 

I focused more on designing an experience that addressed the pain points I found. I transitioned my focus to making the registration process simpler and providing valuable information to the visitor at a single glance.



Old website data like google analytics, heatmap help to identify patterns in how people navigated the homepage.

It was very important for me to understand the problem space and user journeys so that I can do smooth ideations for solving the above problem. I then conducted interviews to learn more about the different experiences people have while registering for such exhibitions.

Research Goals

Through my research, I wanted to:

  • Identify EV Nepal’s target market.
  • Identify EV Nepal competitors and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Understand the experiences people have attending and exhibiting overseas expos.


“Around 2,000 EVs have been sold in Nepal in the current fiscal year. Annual demand for private automobiles is 15,000–18,000 units.”

The Electric vehicle industry has boomed massively in recent years, with government initiatives more businesses are entering this field. Global EV sales reached 6,75 million units in 2021, 108 % more than in 2020, .an eye-opening statistic from EV-volumes

All of the research reinforced that there was massive potential in this industry and the Google Analytics report of the existing website helped me narrow down my target demographic to a repeating b2b audience.


Existing products addressed some of the pain points, but no one product did it all, especially a contact option other than forms and mail. 


I visited one electric expo to understand the pain points and motivation of both exhibitors and visitors.

During these interviews, I asked open-ended questions to learn as much as I could about their experiences and identify what the user’s needs truly are.

I conducted interviews with 5 people, about 10-15 minutes each.

Some questions asked during the interview:

  • What is your opinion about the electric vehicle industry?
  • How do you currently get to know about such exhibitions?
  • Tell me about the last time you register online for an expo.
  • What are you looking for when you visit an EV Expo?



The majority of visitors are exhibitors who visit to check out the quality of the exhibition.

Based on the trends in my affinity map, I’ve noticed how exhibitors evaluate such overseas exhibitions and how lack of social profs and personal support demotivates them to register for a first-time event.


How could I translate these themes into design opportunities?


How might we aid the discovery of social proofs?


Institutional-based trust is highest among B2B businesses, so what if I could leverage that trust?

The trustworthiness and credibility of the organization matter in such exhibitions. So, why not leverage that behavior to showcase the support of trustworthy organizations and past events conducted by the organizer? To make the data more useful and more appealing to users such information was showcased on the Homepage and About us page of the
EV Nepal Website.


How might we make it easier for website visitors to resolve their queries faster?

EV Nepal offers visitors the ability to resolve their queries through the contact form as well as a customer calling support.

Providing hybrid support of contact forms and calling options, query resolution for both Exhibitors and Visitors will be escalated quickly. This addition was also within the scope of EV Nepal’s business without having constrained on the economic budget of the event.


How might we offer exhibitors better insights regarding venue and logistics? 

Clear mention of the event location and logistic partner, help exhibitors to plan the event.

Mentioning the event date and event location on the header as well as adding the google map on the homepage help out exhibitors and visitors to check out the location. Addition of a logistic partner page to solve the major concern of the exhibitors regarding the logistic.


How might we offer exhibitors better insights regarding venue and logistics? 

Providing a clear CTA for website visitors 

On the homepage mentioned CTA’s for exhibitors and visitors will help them to quickly register for the event.


The final product


What I’d do differently next time.

I explored a new approach for this project by testing mid-fidelity designs to put a focus more on the logical structure of a website’s design before finalizing the visual design. I think this method was really effective in quickly identifying initial roadblocks to our user’s goals in the design and to make sure that the overall layout of content itself is effective and functional. If I were to push this project further, I would:


Now that I made revisions to my design and added the visual elements, I would like to test and validate the changes made and observe if any further improvements need to be prioritized.


With a finalized version of the design, I would then present the final design to stakeholders and hand it off to developers to build the website.


With the completed product, we would be able to introduce their new branding and launch the website.


With the timeline of this project, I could only focus on the top prioritized features to meet our project goals. However, I think there’s room to add more value and delight to the experience by implementing other features referenced on the product roadmap.

For Detailed insights: